Приети студенти, присъединете се към нас за Ден на банановия охлюв! This will be a chance for you and your family to celebrate your admission, tour our beautiful campus, and connect with our extraordinary community.

Приети студенти, присъединете се към нас за Ден на банановия охлюв! This will be a chance for you and your family to celebrate your admission, tour our beautiful campus, and connect with our extraordinary community. Events will include campus tours led by a student S.L.U.G. (Student Life and University Guide), next steps presentations, mock lectures by faculty, and majors and resource tables. More details coming soon.
Университет на Калифорния Санта Круз admissions@ucsc.edu Америка / Лос Анджелес общественПриети студенти, присъединете се към нас за Ден на банановия охлюв! This will be a chance for you and your family to celebrate your admission, tour our beautiful campus, and connect with our extraordinary community. Events will include campus tours led by a student S.L.U.G. (Student Life and University Guide), next steps presentations, mock lectures by faculty, and majors and resource tables. More details coming soon.