We Support Your Success!
You are an individual, but you are not alone. UC Santa Cruz is committed to providing a safe and supportive living and learning environment dedicated to your success. Explore this page to discover your many sources for information and advising, plus a strong network of faculty and staff to support you through your university experience and beyond.
Supporting You on Your Journey
Your UC Santa Cruz journey will be supported by a fantastic community of dedicated staff members.

Quick facts about UC Santa Cruz, including admissions requirements, statistics, and a list of majors.
Your success is our goal! Find out about the many resource centers and communities that are here to support you as a UC Santa Cruz student.
Potential transfer students, take a look here! This brochure summarizes what you need to know to prepare yourself for transferring, including a step-by-step guide. Did you know that California community college students can get a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)? Find out more!
If you’re planning to transfer, we want you to know about UCSC’s Transfer Preparation Program (TPP), a special resource for California community college transfers. This publication introduces the benefits of TPP and shows you how to sign up!
UC Santa Cruz students come from all over the world! If you are an international student, we welcome your application and look forward to your joining our dynamic, diverse Banana Slug community. Start with this brochure, which features important information for students applying from outside the U.S.
An introduction to the people, programs, and support that enrich the lives of American Indian students at UC Santa Cruz -- especially our American Indian Resource Center!
Your official source for information on university policies, departments, majors, and courses. Available online only.
English-language guide published by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
Spanish-language guide published by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
What do Banana Slugs do after graduation? Take a look at this engaging compilation of student stories, statistics, and other useful information.
Explore your new UC Santa Cruz home early by enrolling in Summer Edge! Take courses, get credit, make new friends, and have fun.
Admissions Appeals Information
If you have applied to UC Santa Cruz and need to appeal a decision or a deadline, go here for more information.
Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form
If you have applied to UC Santa Cruz and need to report a schedule change or an issue concerning a grade, please fill out Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form.