Feather River College, 570 Golden Eagle Ave., Quincy, 95971
Event Type
Transfer Day/College Night
Prospective Transfer
UCSC is coming to your area! Connect personally with a friendly, knowledgeable UC Santa Cruz Admissions representative who is familiar with your geographical area. Find out more about transferring to UCSC and get your questions answered.

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2024-09-17 11:00:00
Feather River College/Plumas & Sierra Counties Transfer Day
UCSC is coming to your area! Connect personally with a friendly, knowledgeable UC Santa Cruz Admissions representative who is familiar with your geographical area. Find out more about transferring to UCSC and get your questions answered.
Feather River College, 570 Golden Eagle Ave., Quincy, 95971 University of California Santa Cruz admissions@ucsc.edu America/Los_Angeles publicUCSC is coming to your area! Connect personally with a friendly, knowledgeable UC Santa Cruz Admissions representative who is familiar with your geographical area. Find out more about transferring to UCSC and get your questions answered.