2025 Conditions of Admission Contract FAQs
All FAQs provided on this website relate to an admitted student’s Conditions of Admission Contract. We are providing these FAQs to help students, family members, counselors, and others better understand each of the individual conditions outlined in the Contract. Our goal in providing these conditions is to eliminate misunderstandings that have historically resulted in the cancellation of admission offers.
We’ve listed each condition with its related FAQs. While some conditions may seem self-explanatory, it is required that you read all the FAQs provided, either as an admitted first-year student or as an admitted transfer student. If, after reading the FAQs, you still have unanswered questions, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at admissions@ucsc.edu.
Admitted First-Year Students
Dear future graduate: Because your admission was based on self-reported information on the UC application, it is provisional, as explained in the policy below, until we have received all official academic records and verified the information as entered on your application and that you have met all of the conditions of your admission contract. Complying with the conditions within the set deadlines is crucial to finalizing your admission. Doing so will save you the stress involved with a cancellation and the time to appeal which, in the end, may not result in the reinstatement of your admission to UC Santa Cruz. We want you to be successful in the admissions process and join our campus community, so please read these pages carefully:
Your admission to UC Santa Cruz for fall quarter 2025 is provisional, subject to the conditions listed in this contract, which is also provided in the portal at my.ucsc.edu. “Provisional” means your admission will be final only after you have completed all the requirements below. All newly admitted students receive this contract.
Our goal in providing these conditions is to eliminate misunderstandings that have historically resulted in cancellation of admission offers. We expect you to review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below. The FAQs provide additional explanations for each of the conditions.
Failure to meet your Conditions of Admission Contract will result in the cancellation of your admission. It is your sole responsibility to meet all conditions. Read each of the seven conditions below and ensure that you meet all of them. Accepting your offer of admission signifies that you understand these conditions and agree to all of them.
Please note: ONLY students who have submitted all required records by specified deadlines (test scores/transcripts) will be assigned an enrollment appointment. Students who have not submitted the required records will not be able to enroll in courses.
Your Conditions of Admission Contract can be found in two places within the MyUCSC portal. If you click on the link “Application Status and Info” under the main menu, you will find your Contract there, and you will also find them as the first step in the multi-step acceptance process.
In accepting admission at UC Santa Cruz, you agree that you will:
Condition 1
Maintain a level of academic achievement consistent with your previous coursework in your fall and spring courses of your last year of school (as listed on your UC application) as preparation for success in college. A decline in the weighted term GPA by a full grade point may result in the cancellation of your admission.
Answer 1A: We expect that the grades you will earn in your senior year will look similar to the grades you earned in the first three years of your high school career. For instance, if you were a straight-A student for three years, we would expect A’s in your senior year. Consistency in your level of achievement must be carried through your senior year coursework.
Condition 2
Earn a grade of C or higher in all fall and spring courses (or equivalent for other grading systems).
Immediately notify Undergraduate Admissions (UA) of any D or F grades as instructed below. Doing so may allow UA the discretion to provide you with options (if appropriate) to maintain your admission. Notifications must be made through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device).
Answer 2A: We count any course that falls under the ‘a-g’ subject areas (college-prep courses), including any college courses in which you have enrolled. Since we are a selective campus, exceeding the minimum course requirements is something we consider when making our admissions decisions.
Answer 2B: No, that is not okay. As you can see in your Conditions of Admission Contract, a grade lower than a C in any ‘a-g’ course means your admission is subject to immediate cancellation. This includes all courses (including college courses), even if you have exceeded the minimum ‘a-g’ course requirements.
Answer 2C: You can update the Office of Undergraduate Admissions with that information through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device). Even if you notify the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, your admission is subject to immediate cancellation.
Answer 2D: The University of California does not compute pluses or minuses in high school coursework. Therefore, a C- is considered equivalent to a C grade. Remember, however, that we also expect a consistent level of academic achievement in your coursework.
Answer 2E: If you are trying to make up a bad grade you received in your senior year by repeating the course in the summer, that is not allowed by our campus. If you take a summer course for other reasons, official transcripts must be sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at the conclusion of your summer coursework.
Condition 3
Complete all “in-progress” and “planned” coursework as listed on your application.
Immediately notify Undergraduate Admissions of any changes in your “in-progress” or “planned” coursework, including attendance at a school different from that listed on your application.
The senior-year courses listed on your application are taken into consideration when selecting you for admission, and you must notify us of any changes.
Notifications must be made through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device).
Answer 3A: Your admission was based on what you indicated for your senior year courses, and dropping any ‘a-g’ course can affect your admission. We cannot pre-evaluate the effects that dropping a class will have on your admission. If you do decide to drop the class, you will need to notify UA through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device).
Answer 3B: If a student changes their courses from what was listed on the application, they are required to notify the Office of UA through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device). It is impossible to say what the result would be from a dropped class in the senior year because each student’s record is unique, so the results can differ among students. The important thing is to notify the Office of UA immediately when changes are made to your coursework.
Answer 3C: Yes, that is a problem. The instructions on the UC application are explicit – you were required to list all courses and grades, regardless of whether you had repeated certain courses for better grades. You were expected to have listed both the original grade and the repeated grade. Your admission can be cancelled for omitting information, and you should immediately report this to UA through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device), indicating what information you omitted from your application.
Answer 3D: You must notify our office in writing of any changes to what you listed on your UC application, including a change of schools. It is impossible to know if the change of schools would alter your admissions decision, so notifying UA through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form as soon as possible is required.
Condition 4
Graduate from high school, or achieve the equivalent of earning a high school diploma.
Your final high school transcript or equivalent, such as a General Education Diploma (GED) or California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE), must include a date of graduation or completion.
Answer 4A: Your admission to UC Santa Cruz would be subject to immediate cancellation. All admitted first-year students must present a date of graduation on their final, official high school transcript.
Answer 4B: UC Santa Cruz does accept earning a GED or the CHSPE as equivalents to graduating from high school. Official exam results would be required separately if they do not appear on your final, official high school transcript.
Condition 5
Provide all official transcripts to Undergraduate Admissions on or before July 1, 2025. Official transcripts must be electronically submitted or postmarked by the July 1 deadline.
(Beginning in May, the MyUCSC portal will contain the list of transcripts required from you.)
You must arrange to have an official, final high school transcript or equivalent showing your date of graduation and final spring term grades and any college/university official transcripts sent to Undergraduate Admissions, either electronically or via mail. An official transcript is one that UA receives directly from the institution, either electronically or in a sealed envelope, with appropriate identifying information and authorized signature indicating the exact date of graduation. If you receive a GED or CHSPE or other high school completion equivalent, an official copy of the results is required.
For any college course(s) attempted or completed, regardless of location, an official transcript from the college is required; the course(s) must appear on the original college transcript. Even if a college course or courses are posted on your official high school transcript, a separate official college transcript is required. It is required even if you do not wish to receive UCSC credit for the course. If it later comes to our attention that you attempted or completed a college course at a college or university not listed on your application, you no longer meet this condition of your admission.
An official transcript sent via mail must be postmarked no later than July 1. If your school is not able to meet the deadline, please have a school official call (831) 459-4008 to request an extension prior to July 1. Official transcripts sent via mail should be addressed to: Office of Undergraduate Admissions - Hahn, UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064.
You can verify that your transcripts have been received by carefully monitoring your “To Do” list in the MyUCSC portal. MyUCSC is the university’s online academic information systems portal for students, applicants, faculty, and staff. It is used by students to enroll in classes, check grades, view financial aid and billing accounts, and update their personal information. Applicants can view their admission status and to-do items.
Answer 5A: As an incoming student, you are the person held responsible for making certain that all deadlines are met. Many students will assume a parent or a counselor will take care of sending required transcripts – this is incorrect. You must ensure that any item that is required of you to submit is received by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at UC Santa Cruz by the stated deadline. (If your school sends official transcripts electronically, it needs to be received by July 1; if your school sends official transcripts via mail, it needs to be postmarked by July 1.) It is your responsibility to monitor your student portal to verify what has been received and what is still required. Remember, it is your admission offer that is subject to immediate cancellation if the deadline is not met. In addition to requesting that the transcript be sent, you must ensure its receipt through the MyUCSC portal.
Answer 5B: No later than mid-May, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will indicate what official records are required of you by placing items on your "To Do" list in the MyUCSC portal. To view your "To Do" list, please follow these steps:
Log into the my.ucsc.edu website and click on “Holds and To Do Lists.” On the "To Do" List menu you will see a listing of all items needed from you, along with their status (required or completed). Be sure to click all the way through each item to see the details about what is required (will show as required) and whether or not it has been received (will show as completed).
If you have any questions or are confused by something you see, contact the Office of Admissions immediately (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device).
Answer 5C: Yes. Official records are required from each college or university at which you attempted a course, regardless of the location of the course. Even if the course appears on your high school transcript, UC Santa Cruz will require an official transcript from the college/university.
Answer 5D: An official transcript is one that we receive directly from the institution in a sealed envelope or electronically with appropriate identifying information and authorized signature. If you received a GED or CHSPE, an official copy of the results is required. Official high school transcripts should include date of graduation and all final term grades.
Answer 5E: Yes, we do accept electronic transcripts as official, provided they are received from bona fide electronic transcript providers such as Parchment, Docufide, eTranscript, E-Script, etc.
Answer 5F: Yes, you may hand-deliver your transcript to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions during regular business hours, provided the transcript is in a sealed envelope from the issuing institution with appropriate signature and official seal. If you have opened the envelope, the transcript would no longer be considered official.
Answer 5G: Yes, all academic institutions attended must be reported and official transcripts submitted.
Answer 5H: It depends on whether your last high school official transcript shows your GED/CHSPE results. To be safe, it is a good idea to submit both by the required deadline.
Answer 5I: If your school does not send transcripts electronically, the July 1 deadline is a postmark deadline. The consequences of missing that deadline include:
- You are subject to immediate cancellation. (Enrollment and housing capacity will factor into the timing of final cancellations.)
If your admission is not cancelled, consequences of missing the July 1 deadline may include:
- You are not guaranteed your college assignment.
- Official financial aid awards will only be posted for those students who have submitted all required records.
- You may not be allowed to enroll in courses.
Answer 5J: Please have a school official contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at (831) 459-4008.
Condition 6
Provide all official test scores* by July 15, 2025.
An official test score is one that Undergraduate Admissions receives directly from the testing agency. Information on how to contact each testing agency can be found in the MyUCSC portal. Advanced Placement (AP) and any SAT subject exam results must be submitted from the College Board, and International Baccalaureate (IB) exam results must be submitted from the International Baccalaureate Organization. Official Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Duolingo English Test (DET), or other exam results are also required for students who reported scores on the application. Provide any other requested official examination score or record, as designated on your “To Do” list in the MyUCSC portal.
*Not including the standardized tests (ACT/SAT), which are no longer required.
Answer 6A: Have official test scores submitted using the following information:
- To have AP scores sent, contact:
- AP Services at (609) 771-7300 or (888) 225-5427
- To have SAT subject exam scores sent, contact:
- College Board SAT Program at (866) 756-7346 for domestic calls or (212) 713-7789 for international calls
- To have IB scores sent, contact:
- International Baccalaureate Office at (212) 696-4464
Answer 6B: Receipt of official test scores can be viewed through the student portal at my.ucsc.edu. When we receive the scores electronically, you should be able to see the change from “required” to “completed." Please monitor your student portal on a regular basis.
Answer 6C: The University of California requires that Advanced Placement examination results come directly from the College Board; therefore, UCSC does not consider scores on transcripts or the student copy of the paper report as official. Official AP test scores should be ordered through the College Board, and you can call them at (888) 225-5427 or email them.
Answer 6D: Yes. It is your sole responsibility to ensure all required test scores are received, not simply requested. You must allow adequate time for delivery.
Answer 6E: You are subject to immediate cancellation. (Enrollment and housing capacity will factor into the timing of final cancellations.)
If your admission is not cancelled, consequences of missing the July 15 deadline may include:
- You are not guaranteed your college assignment.
- Official financial aid awards will only be posted for those students who have submitted all required records.
- You may not be allowed to enroll in courses.
Condition 7
Abide by the UC Santa Cruz Code of Student Conduct.
UC Santa Cruz is a diverse, open, and caring community that celebrates scholarship: Principles of Community. If your conduct is inconsistent with positive contributions to the campus environment, such as engaging in violence or threats, or creating a risk to campus or community safety, your admission may be cancelled. Student Handbook
Answer 7A: From the time that a student is admitted, UC Santa Cruz expects the Code of Student Conduct to be in effect and you are bound by those standards.
If you have not met one or more of these conditions, or believe you may not be able to meet one or more of these conditions, or if you have any questions regarding any of these conditions after reading the FAQs, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions immediately on our Inquiry Form (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device) or at admissions@ucsc.edu.
Please do not seek advice from any person or source other than the UC Santa Cruz Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Your best chance to avoid cancellation is to report directly and promptly to us.
Answer Follow-upA: If your offer of admission is cancelled, the Statement of Intent to Register fee is nonrefundable/nontransferable, and you are responsible for contacting UCSC offices to arrange for any reimbursement due for housing, enrollment, financial or other services.
If you wish to appeal the cancellation of your admission and feel you have new and compelling information, or if you feel there has been an error, please review the information on the Office of Undergraduate Admissions appeals page.
Answer Follow-upB: If you still have questions about the conditions of your admission, you may contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at admissions@ucsc.edu.
Admitted Transfer Students
Dear future graduate: Because your admission was based on self-reported information on the UC application, it is provisional, as explained in the policy below, until we have received all official academic records and verified the information as entered on your application and verified that you have met all of the conditions of your admission contract. Complying with the conditions within the set deadlines is crucial to finalizing your admission. Doing so will save you the stress involved with a cancellation and the time to appeal which, in the end, may not result in the reinstatement of your admission to UC Santa Cruz. We want you to be successful in the admissions process and join our campus community in the fall, so please read these pages carefully:
Your admission to UC Santa Cruz for fall quarter 2025 is provisional, subject to the conditions listed in this contract, which is also provided in the portal at my.ucsc.edu. “Provisional” means your admission will be final only after you have completed all the requirements below. All newly admitted students receive this contract.
Our goal in providing these conditions is to eliminate misunderstandings that have historically resulted in cancellation of admission offers. We expect you to review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below. The FAQs provide additional explanations for each of the conditions.
Failure to meet your Conditions of Admission Contract will result in the cancellation of your admission. It is your sole responsibility to meet all conditions. Read each of the eight conditions below and ensure that you meet all of them. Accepting your offer of admission signifies that you understand these conditions and agree to all of them.
Please note: ONLY students who have submitted all required records by specified deadlines (test scores/transcripts) will be assigned an enrollment appointment. Students who have not submitted the required records will not be able to enroll in courses.
Your Conditions of Admission Contract can be found in two places within the MyUCSC portal. If you click on the link “Application Status and Info” under the main menu, you will find your Contract there, and you also find them as the first step in the multi-step acceptance process.
In accepting admission at UCSC, you agree that you will:
Condition 1
Meet all requirements needed for transfer to the University of California.
All requirements, with the exception of the 90 quarter units, must be met no later than the spring 2025 term. Unless specifically contracted by Undergraduate Admissions, UCSC does not allow summer 2025 coursework to meet your Conditions of Admission Contract.
Answer 1A: The University of California has a set of minimum requirements to be a junior-level transfer student. All students must meet these requirements to ensure their admission to UCSC. Transfer eligibility to UC Santa Cruz is outlined on our Transfer Admission page.
Answer 1B: All UC-transferable courses listed on your application were part of the decision to admit you, so all those courses must be successfully completed in order to ensure your admission to UCSC.
Answer 1C: Unless approved as an exception by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, UCSC does not allow transfer students to use the summer term (before their fall quarter enrollment) to meet the campus’s selection criteria. If you have met all selection criteria by the end of your spring term and are taking a summer course to better prepare you for your major or meet a UCSC graduation requirement that is acceptable. For courses completed through spring, an official transcript must be received by the UCSC Office of Admissions by the July 1, 2025 deadline, as noted in the Conditions of Admission Contract. After you have completed the summer course, you will need to submit a second official transcript with the summer grades.
Condition 2
Maintain a level of academic achievement consistent with your previous coursework you reported as “In-Progress” or “Planned.”
You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information reported on your application and on the Transfer Academic Update (TAU) accessed from your application. Consistency of self- reported information with actual grades and courses is required. Any grades below a 2.0 or changes to your “In-Progress” and “Planned” coursework must be updated in writing through the TAU (until March 31) or through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form (beginning April 1) (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device). Failure to provide immediate notification is in itself grounds for cancellation of admission.
Answer 2A: Yes, that is a problem. The instructions on the UC application are explicit – you were required to list all courses and grades, regardless of whether you had repeated certain courses for better grades. You were expected to have listed both the original grade and the repeated grade. Your admission can be cancelled for omitting information, and you should immediately report this information to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions through the Transfer Academic Update site (available until March 31), or beginning April 1 through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device).
Answer 2B: As you can see in your Conditions of Admission Contract, any grade lower than a C in any UC-transferable course you had "In-Progress" or "Planned" means your admission is subject to immediate cancellation. This includes all UC-transferable courses, even if you have exceeded the minimum UC course requirements.
Answer 2C: If your college computes a C- as less than a 2.0, then yes, your admission to UCSC is subject to immediate cancellation.
Answer 2D: Until March 31, this information should be updated through the ApplyUC website. Beginning April 1, you can update the Office of Undergraduate Admissions with that information through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device). Even if you notify the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, your admission is subject to immediate cancellation.
Answer 2E: If a student changes their courses from what was listed on the application or through the application update process, they are required to report this information to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions through the Transfer Academic Update site (available until March 31), or beginning April 1 through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device). It is impossible to say what the result would be from a dropped class in fall/winter/spring because each student’s record is unique, so the results can differ among students.
Answer 2F: You were required to notify our office in writing of any changes to what you listed on your UC application, or later in the application update process, including a change of schools. It is impossible to know if the change of schools would alter your admissions decision, so notifying the Office of Undergraduate Admissions through the Transfer Academic Update site (available until March 31), or beginning April 1 through the Schedule Change/Grade Issues Form as soon as possible is a good idea (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device).
Condition 3
Meet all requirements needed to enter your intended major.
Many majors (referred to as screening majors) have lower-division coursework and a specific grade point average required for admission, as indicated on the Screening Major Selection Criteria page on the Admissions website. It is your sole responsibility to ensure these requirements are met prior to transfer to UCSC.
Condition 4
Students with less than 3 years of full time high school/secondary school instruction in English must demonstrate proficiency by the end of the spring term in one of the five ways listed below:
- Complete at least two English composition courses with a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
- Achieve a score of 80 on the internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or 550 on the paper-based TOEFL.
- Achieve a score of 6.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
- Achieve a score of 115 on the Duolingo English Test (DET).
Condition 5
Maintain good standing at your last school.
A student is in good standing if the overall and last term grade point average is at least 2.0 and the official transcript does not indicate dismissal, probation, or other restrictions. A student who has outstanding financial obligations to another institution is not considered to be in good standing. Students admitted into a screening major are expected to meet condition number three.
Answer 5A: By not being in good standing, you have not met your Conditions of Admission Contract and your admission is subject to immediate cancellation.
Condition 6
Provide all official transcripts on or before July 1 to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Official transcripts must be electronically submitted or postmarked by the July 1 deadline.
(Beginning in June, the MyUCSC portal will contain the list of transcripts required from you.)
You must arrange to have official transcripts sent to Undergraduate Admissions, either electronically or via mail. An official transcript is one that UA receives directly from the institution, either electronically or in a sealed envelope, with appropriate identifying information and authorized signature indicating the exact date of graduation.
For any college course(s) attempted or completed, regardless of location, an official transcript from the college is required; the course(s) must appear on the original college transcript. If you did not end up attending a college but it was listed on your application, you must provide proof that you did not attend. If it later comes to our attention that you attempted or completed a college course at a college or university not listed on your application, you no longer meet this condition of your admission.
An official transcript sent via mail must be postmarked no later than July 1. If your institution is not able to meet the deadline, please have an official call (831) 459-4008 to request an extension prior to July 1. Official transcripts sent via mail should be addressed to: Office of Undergraduate Admissions-Hahn, UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064.
You can verify that your transcripts have been received by carefully monitoring your “To Do” list in the MyUCSC portal. MyUCSC is the university’s online academic information systems portal for students, applicants, faculty, and staff. It is used by students to enroll in classes, check grades, view financial aid and billing accounts, and update their personal information. Applicants can view their admission status and to-do items.
Answer 6A: As an incoming student, you are the person held responsible for making certain that all deadlines are met. Many students will assume a parent or a counselor will take care of sending required transcripts or test scores – this is incorrect. You must ensure that any item that is required of you to submit is received by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at UC Santa Cruz by the stated deadline. It is your responsibility to monitor your student portal to verify what has been received and what is still required. Remember, it is your admission offer that will be cancelled if the deadlines are not met.
Answer 6B: Answer 6B: No later than early June, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will indicate what official records are required of you by placing items on your "To Do" list in the MyUCSC portal. To view your "To Do" list, please follow these steps:
Log into the my.ucsc.edu website and click on “Holds and To Do Lists.” On the "To Do" List menu you will see a listing of all items needed from you, along with their status (required or completed). Be sure to click all the way through each item to see the details about what is required (will show as required) and whether or not it has been received (will show as completed).
If you have any questions or are confused by something you see, contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions immediately (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device).
Answer 6C: An official transcript is one that we receive directly from the institution in a sealed envelope or electronically with appropriate identifying information and authorized signature. If you received a GED or CHSPE, an official copy of the results is required.
Answer 6D: Yes, we do accept electronic transcripts as official, provided they are received from bona fide electronic transcript providers such as Parchment, Docufide, eTranscript, E-Script, etc. Transfer students from California community colleges in particular, should contact their college about the option to send transcripts electronically.
Answer 6E: Yes, you may hand-deliver your transcript to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions during regular business hours, provided the transcript is in a sealed envelope from the issuing institution with appropriate signature and official seal. If you have opened the envelope, the transcript would no longer be considered official.
Answer 6F: All students are required to submit all college/university transcripts by the stated deadline. Failure to disclose attendance at a college/university or withholding an academic record can result in a student being cancelled on a UC-systemwide basis.
Answer 6G: Consequences of missing a deadline:
- You are subject to immediate cancellation. (Enrollment and housing capacity will factor into the timing of final cancellations.)
If your admission is not cancelled, consequences of missing the July 1 deadline may include:
- You are not guaranteed your college assignment.
- Official financial aid awards will only be posted for those students who have submitted all required records.
- You may not be allowed to enroll in courses.
Condition 7
Provide all official test scores by July 15.
Advanced Placement (AP) exam results must be submitted to our office from the College Board; and International Baccalaureate (IB) exam results must be submitted to our office from the International Baccalaureate Organization. Official TOEFL or IELTS or DET exam results are also required for students who reported scores on their application.
Answer 7A: Have official test scores submitted using the following information:
- To have AP scores sent, contact:
- AP Services at (609) 771-7300 or (888) 225-5427
- To have SAT subject exam scores sent, contact:
- College Board SAT Program at (866) 756-7346 for domestic calls or (212) 713-7789 for international calls
- To have IB scores sent, contact:
- International Baccalaureate Office at (212) 696-4464
Answer 7B: Receipt of official test scores can be viewed through the student portal at my.ucsc.edu. When we receive the scores electronically you should be able to see the change from “required” to “completed." Please monitor your student portal on a regular basis.
Answer 7C: The University of California requires that Advanced Placement examination results come directly from the College Board; therefore, UCSC does not consider scores on transcripts or the student copy of the paper report as official. Official AP test scores should be ordered through the College Board, and you can call them at (888) 225-5427 or email them.
Answer 7D: UCSC requires all academic records from admitted students, including official test score records, whether or not they would yield transfer credit. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions must ensure a complete academic history of entering undergraduate students. Regardless of score, all official AP/IB scores are required.
Answer 7E: YES. It is your sole responsibility to ensure all required test scores are received, not simply requested. You must allow adequate time for delivery.
Answer 7F: Consequences for missing a deadline:
- You are subject to immediate cancellation. (Enrollment and housing capacity will factor into the timing of final cancellations.)
If your admission is not cancelled, consequences of missing the July 15 deadline may include:
- You are not guaranteed your college assignment.
- Official financial aid awards will only be posted for those students who have submitted all required records.
- You may not be allowed to enroll in courses.
Condition 8
Abide by UC Santa Cruz Code of Student Conduct.
UC Santa Cruz is a diverse, open, and caring community that celebrates scholarship: Principles of Community. If your conduct is inconsistent with positive contributions to the campus environment, such as engaging in violence or threats, or creating a risk to campus or community safety, your admission may be cancelled.
Answer 8A: From the time that a student is admitted, UC Santa Cruz expects the Code of Student Conduct to be in effect, and you are bound by those standards.
If you have not met one or more of these conditions, or believe you may not be able to meet one or more of these conditions, or if you have any questions regarding any of these conditions after reading the FAQs, please contact Undergraduate Admissions immediately at our Inquiry Form (for best results, please use a laptop/desktop to submit the form, not a mobile device) or admissions@ucsc.edu.
Please do not seek advice from any person or source other than the UC Santa Cruz Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Your best chance in avoiding cancellation is to report directly and promptly to us.
Answer Follow-upA: If your offer of admission is cancelled, the Statement of Intent to Register fee is nonrefundable/nontransferable, and you are responsible for contacting UCSC offices to arrange for any reimbursement due for housing, enrollment, financial, or other services.
If you wish to appeal the cancellation of your admission and feel you have new and compelling information, or if you feel there has been an error, please review the information on the Office of Undergraduate Admissions appeals page.
Answer Follow-upB: If you still have questions about the conditions of your admission, you may contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at admissions@ucsc.edu.