Options for Students Not Offered Admission
UC Santa Cruz is a selective campus, and each year many excellent students are not offered admission because of capacity limits or additional preparation needed in certain areas. We understand your disappointment, but if attaining a UCSC degree is still your goal, we’d like to offer some alternative pathways to get you on your way toward achieving your dream.
Transferring to UCSC
Many UCSC students do not begin their career as first-year students, but choose to enter the university by transferring from other colleges and universities. Transferring is an excellent way to achieve your UCSC degree. UCSC gives top priority to qualified junior transfers from a California community college, but applications from lower-division transfers and second-baccalaureate students are also accepted.

Dual Admission
Dual Admission is a program for transfer admission into any UC that offers the TAG Program or Pathways+. Eligible students are invited to complete their general education and lower-division major requirements at a California community college (CCC) while receiving academic advising and other support to facilitate their transfer to a UC campus. UC applicants who meet the program criteria receive a notification inviting them to participate in the program. The offer includes a conditional offer of admission as a transfer student to one of the participating campuses of their choosing.

Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)
Get guaranteed admission to UCSC from a California community college into your proposed major when you complete specific requirements.