- Engineering & Technology
- Science & Math
- B.A.
- B.S.
- M.S.
- Ph.D.
- Undergraduate Minor
- Jack Baskin School of Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
Program overview
The computer science curriculum gives students a solid grounding in both theoretical and practical computer usage. Students become proficient in many areas, with a good academic foundation for various careers in the software industry, as well as preparation for graduate school.
Applications of computer science are found in many other areas of study, from art, music, and linguistics to social sciences, economics, business, digital, and social media, environmental and life sciences, and sciences. Thus, interdisciplinary activities are encouraged. For those students whose primary interest is in another area, a minor in computer science is offered.

Learning Experience
Study and Research Opportunities
- B.A., B.S., and undergraduate minor in Computer Science
- M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering
- The Computer Science and Engineering Department engages in a substantial research program in which both advanced undergraduates and all graduate students participate.
First-Year Requirements
Note: First-year students who plan to major in Computer Science must list Computer Science as their first choice major in their UC application. It is recommended that high school students intending to apply to the Jack Baskin School of Engineering have completed four years of mathematics (through advanced algebra and trigonometry) and three years of science in high school, including one year each of chemistry, physics, and biology. Comparable college mathematics and science courses completed at other institutions may be accepted in place of high school preparation. Students without this preparation may be required to take additional courses to prepare themselves for the program.

Transfer Requirements
This is a screening major.
- By the end of the fall term in which you are applying, you must have completed at least three(3) of the 5 lower-division foundation requirements listed below.
- By the end of your last spring term in community college, you must have completed the remaining two(2) of the 5 foundation requirements listed below.
- The GPA of all lower-division foundation courses attempted must be at least 3.0. for CSBS; 2.8. for CSBA.
Foundation Requirements (policy takes effect in fall 2024 and will be mandatory for all transfer students entering UC Santa Cruz fall 2026 or later).
- CSE 12
- CSE 16
- CSE 30
- MATH 19A
- MATH 19B
Transfer students entering UCSC prior to fall 2026 are encouraged to complete these requirements, but will still be considered for admission if they fulfill the 2023-2024 admissions screening requirements.

Internships and Career Opportunities
- Full-stack software development
- Cloud software development
- Data science and analytics
- Machine learning
- Embedded system and edge computing
- Data systems engineering
- Vision
- Graphics and user interfaces
- Data visualization
- Chip Design
- Computer Hardware Design
- Operating System Development
- Computer Architecture Design
- Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
- Cryptocurrency / Blockchain
- Cybersecurity
- Tech Advocacy
- Network engineering
- System administrator
These are only samples of the field’s many possibilities.
The Wall Street Journal recently ranked UCSC as the number two public university in the nation for high-paying jobs in engineering.