- Behavioral & Social Sciences
- Science & Math
- B.A.
- B.S.
- Social Sciences
- Physical and Biological Sciences
- Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Learning Experience
Global and Community Health (GCH) at UC Santa Cruz comprises two separate programs. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) program offers two concentrations—biomedical or public and community health—that help to prepare students for a healthcare related career or other patient-care careers, or roles in health administration, public health, and advocacy. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) program trains students to address social determinants of health, fostering skills that will enable them to serve as future leaders in health care, health policy, public health, and community organizing.
Internships and Career Opportunities
- Chiropractics
- Dentistry
- Medical technology
- Medicine
- Nursing
- Optometry
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- Physician’s assistant
- Public health
- Veterinary medicine
These are only samples of the field’s many possibilities.
B.S. Program First-Year Requirements
B.S. requirements: In addition to the courses required for UC admission, high school students who intend to major in biology should take high school courses in biology, chemistry, advanced mathematics (precalculus and/or calculus), and physics. The MCDB department has a qualification policy that applies to the molecular, cell and developmental biology B.S.; global and community health B.S.; biology B.S. and neuroscience B.S. majors. For more information about these and other MCDB majors, see the MCD Biology Undergraduate Program website and the UCSC Catalog.

B.S. Program Transfer Requirements
The B.S. major is a screening major. Junior transfer students who plan to major in the biological sciences must complete the qualification requirements prior to transfer.
Junior-level transfer students are also strongly encouraged to complete a year of organic chemistry, calculus, and calculus-based physics courses prior to transfer. This will prepare transfers to begin their advanced degree requirements and allow time in their senior year for doing research. California community college students should follow the prescribed coursework in the UCSC transfer agreements available at www.assist.org.
Prospective transfer students should review the transfer information and qualification requirements on the MCD Biology Transfer Student website and the UCSC Catalog.

Program Contact for B.S. Major
B.A. Program First-Year Requirements
B.A. requirements: No specific courses at the high school level are required for admission to the GCH B.A. at UC Santa Cruz. Courses in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, whether taken at the high school or college level, are appropriate background and preparation.

B.A. Program Transfer Requirements
B.A. requirements: The B.A. major is a non-screening major. Students planning to apply in this major are not required to complete specific major preparation courses before they come to UC Santa Cruz.
Transfer students must take the required lower-division GCH course (GCH 1) in the fall of their first year at UC Santa Cruz or as soon thereafter as possible.
Courses from another institution may be considered only if they appear on the student’s Transfer Credit Summary. Students who wish to substitute transferable courses taken elsewhere for the GCH B.A. major’s requirements should discuss the procedure with a GCH adviser.