- Not Applicable
- Pre-professional program - no undergraduate degree available
- Social Sciences
- Not Applicable
Program overview
*UCSC does not offer "prelaw" as an undergraduate major.
The nation’s top law schools have accepted many UC Santa Cruz graduates. UCSC does not have a major title of "Prelaw." We offer legal studies major and a politics major. It is a popular misconception that students must major in prelaw, legal studies, or politics in order to get into law school. This simply is not the case. Law schools accept students from a variety of majors including, but not limited to, sociology, literature, philosophy, psychology, biology, anthropology, physics, economics, chemistry, mathematics, and engineering. Law schools are primarily interested in students who possess strong analytical and communication skills. Your GPA is a strong component of your application, so take classes you will excel in. They prefer students who have a diverse educational background to those who have a narrow academic focus.
Students do not necessarily need to enter law school immediately after graduation. Many law schools prefer to accept students who have some work experience and maturity. The ages of first-year law students range from 21 to 50 years, with the median around 26. Diversity in academic background and employment or internship experiences enhance the law school experience for all students.

Learning Experience
Students from diverse majors do equally well in both law school and law practice. Although the major is not important, courses in fields such as philosophy, logic, history, economics, computer science, math, and the physical and social sciences may be helpful. Courses should be demanding, requiring analytical and critical thought, writing, and deductive and abstract reasoning. Development of the following skills is recommended: advanced reading comprehension, writing competence gained through writing courses requiring research papers, and intellectual discipline.
Students who have been active in leadership activities and internships improve their chances of acceptance.
For internship opportunities, check out: Pre-Law Internships & Student Organizations
First-Year Requirements
A Career Success Career Engagement Specialist can help you create a plan for getting experience to develop skills needed for law school. For more information check out the Career Success Pre-Law Pages
There is no required major for applying to law school. The only requirement is to finish your undergraduate degree!

Transfer Requirements
Interested in law school? Schedule a time to meet with a career coach right away. Find out the criteria to be a strong candidate and how to best prepare yourself. Since any major can apply to law school, complete your undergraduate degree, aiming for a strong GPA. Speak with a major or college adviser to make sure you are on track in completing your academic requirements.

Internships and Career Opportunities
Program Contact
For more information contact Career Success at csuccess@ucsc.edu or (831) 459-4420. Career Success is located in Hahn Student Services Building, Suite 125.